Máy đo cáp quang otdr mw 6413
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Máy đo cáp quang otdr mw-6413

  • Model: MW-6413
  • Nhà cung cấp: VCTEL
  • Bảo hành: 12 tháng
  • Thuế: + VAT 10%
  •  • Độ rộng xung: 10 ns ÷ 20480 ns.
    • Single mode hoặc Multi mode tùy chọn.
    • Tầm đo: 1,6m đến 512 km.
    • Giao tiếp: USB, RS-232, máy in, keyboard.

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  • Giá sản phẩm
  • Số lượng > 10: -5%
  • Giá dự án: Order
  • Giảm giá 1-5% cho đơn hàng lắp đặt trị giá trên 30 triệu
  • {Giá: Liên hệ}


Product Introduction

The MW6413 is a high performance mini-OTDR, which is small, lightweight and rugged. It has a large color LCD and a USB interface. It also features a long battery oper ation life. With the MW6413, you can measure unit /con nection/transmission loss and locate faults or breaks on optical fibers. It is widely applied in the manufacture, construction and maintenance of optical fibers.



* 42/40dB high dynamic range

* 0.1m sample resolution with 65k sampling points
* 1.6m short event dead zone

* High quality touch screen
* Rugged

* Offer Chinese and English interface
* Deep memory for data storage

* Write/read file in Bellcore GR196 file format
* Intelligent battery capacity display
* Battery operation life over 8 hours
* USB interface

* Transmit data to PC by serial or parallel interfaces




*1: Pulse width: 10ns, terminal reflection loss:>=40dB, typical.

*2: excluding uncertainty caused by fiber IOR(Index of Refraction) and Sampling/Maker/Distance resolution.

*3: At back light brightness, measurement not executed.

Số lượt xem sản phẩm: 2282, Ngày cập nhật cuối cùng: 3/21/2011